Stainless Steel

Shall consist of clean 18-8 type stainless steel turnings containing a minimum 7% nickel and 16% chrome, and to be free of nonferrous metals, nonmetallics, excessive iron, oil and other contaminants.
Particulars concerning physical description, assay, and packaging to be agreed upon between buyer and seller.
Stainless Steel Turnings
Nickel Bearing Scrap
Any nickel bearing alloy scrap that contains a minimum of 3% recovered nickel. Nickel content to be determined by recovery after buyer’s evaluation minus any non-conforming material and/or contamination.
Balance of elements contained to be discussed between buyer and seller. Material is to be free of any foreign material. Final material specifications to be determined between buyer and seller.
Stainless Steel Scrap
Shall consist of clean 18-8 type stainless steel clips and solids containing a minimum 7% nickel, 16% chrome, and have a maximum of .50% molybdenum, .50% copper, .045% phosphorous, and .03% sulfur, and otherwise free of harmful contaminants.
Particulars concerning physical description, grading, additional analysis, and preparation to be agreed upon between buyer and seller.
Shall consist of all types of clean AISI Series Stainless Steel Scrap Solids, which contain a maximum of .5% copper, free of foreign attachments and other contamination.
200 Series Stainless Steel Scrap Solids

Included but not limited to any other types or alloys.