Plastics composed of either post-consumer or recovered
material or both.

OBP - Microplastics, Mezzo-plastics and Macro-plastics
OBP is an “Abandoned Plastic Waste” (microplastics, mezzo-plastics and macro-plastics), located within 50km from shores where waste management is inexistent or inefficient. When already located in a landfill or managed dump site, the plastic waste is not considered as OBP. However, when abandoned in an uncontrolled or informal dump site, this waste is considered as OBP.
Abandoned Plastic Waste
HDPE Color Bottles
Any whole, blow-molded, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) bottle containing the ASTM D7611 “#2, HDPE” resin identification code that is pigmented and opaque, and was enerated from a curbside, dropoff, or other public or private recycling collection program.
Bottles are defined as containers that have a neck or mouth that is smaller than the base. All bottles should be free of contents or free flowing liquids and direction should be provided to consumers to empty and rinse containers. While including closures (caps, lids, and rings) on ottles is acceptable, removal of closures is also acceptable. Loose caps and closures should not be added to the bale. Product: Polyethylene Bottles.
High-density polyethylene (HDPE)
Pet #1
Any whole Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET, #1) postconsumer bottle or jar with a screw-neck top that contains the ASTM D7611 “#1, PET or PETE” resin identification code and thati s clear, transparent green, or transparent light blue. All bottles should be free of contents or free flowing liquids. Closures (caps, lids, rings, and labels) may be left on bottles. Product: Polyethylene Terephthalate Bottles.
Bottles (No PET Thermoforms)

Included but not limited to any other types or alloys.
Subject to client request